Dr. Nagam H. Atthreya


Bridging the Gap Between - Knowing - Learning - and Doing

Dr. Nagam H. Atthreya for the Management World

Nagam, to his close associates and family, was an energetic pioneer, a seasoned management professional, a prolific writer and author, a keen academician and a concerned citizen.

Dr. Atthreya’s early work experience in government, public sector and private sector industries helped him in identifying the crying need to introduce and nurture human resource development and management in India. This was way back in the early 1950s, when the concept of Human resource development was a nascent concept even in the western world. 

While we, his immediate family, knew of the books that he wrote and read, little did we realise the extent of his contribution to management in India and his original thoughts on this subject. After his physical lifetime, as we browsed through his collections of writings (both published and unpublished),  the training material he had developed, we realised what a treasure trove he had left behind.

With the blessings of his mother who lived until the age of 99, Guru Shri Taveria Ji, and God’s grace, Dr.  Atthreya had a long and active professional life, an active mind, clarity of thought, and a hand that held a pen that scintillated over sheaves of paper. He often called himself a “squirrel” who collected nuggets of useful information. He always wished that his works and his collections be made available to a deserving institute. His interests were too diverse to find a home for his material in any one such institute, and we thought it best that it be made available to all in the digital world.  

For his family, it is going to be an ongoing process to make all his writings and works available through this website. The writings in his later years remain unpublished. We plan to make these available through this website. If you enjoy Dr. Atthreya’s writings and are curious to know his thoughts, please keep in touch with this website for regular updates.

Did you know ?
Dr. Atthreya, had set up the Indian Center for Encouraging Excellence.

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