JJ School of Employability
Tuesday, 10th of May 2016 I saw a message in one of the trainer What’s app group about a veteran trainer willing to mentor/coach young trainers. Profiles would be shortlisted post application.
I used to work with TCS in night shifts. The next day after my shift, I started writing my application. Took 3 hrs and finally submitted.
1 month passed by no results
2 months passed by no results
Finally on 9th July 2016 around 5 PM my phone rang. The voice on the other side said is it Jogesh?
I said, yes speaking. He said I am Dr. Atthreya and your application is shortlisted. When can you come and meet me?
After I went through the profile. I was amazed and excited to get mentored from a veteran.
We agreed to meet on 16th July at Dr. Atthreya’s residence in Bandra at 5 PM.
90 Mins conversation and I was out with a firm belief that I must publish a book on 3rd Feb 2017.
The conversation with Dr. Atthreya, his decades of experience in 90 mins he summarised and convinced me to publish my 1st book. Few of my aha moments were.
After that 90 mins of interaction with Dr. Attreya. I went out and set of Bandra Band Stand. Wrote my feelings at that moment.
I was feeling liberated.
I felt as if I am given wings to fly.
I felt I am going to takeover the world with the storm of the work in the space of Employability & Career Coaching.
I am happy to share, with the foundation that was set in different meetings and follow up meetings with Dr. Attreya. In these 5 years.
All of this was possible only because of strong foundation and humble beginning that I got by being mentored by Dr. Atthreya.
I have also captured one of the precious time with him through this vBlog.
I am deeply grateful to him for all the guidance I am given at the very right time.
As I write this message the Mantra that Dr. Atthreya gave is still with me and I am working on it. Do it a little more a little better.
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